Jeep remote battery size. Are Nissan Key Fobs Covered Under Warranty?

jeep, remote, battery, size, nissan

What Size Battery Does A Nissan Key Fob Take? [And How To Change It]

Nowadays, all new Nissan vehicles come with a remote keyless system. You don’t need to physically use a key to start your engine or unlock your door with this system. Having a Smart Key as Nissan uses is nice, but what do you do if it runs out of battery power? With so many micro-battery sizes on the market, knowing which size to purchase for your Nissan intelligent key is challenging. Luckily, we’ve researched the batteries and replacement process to provide you with an answer here.

All Nissan Smart Keys use the same battery size: CR2032 3-Volt. To change the battery in your key fob, follow these steps:

  • Remove the valet key by pressing the small button on the back of the fob.
  • Using a screwdriver or card, gently pry open the fob until it clicks and is in two pieces.
  • Remove the battery and insert the new one.
  • Reassemble the key fob and replace the valet key.

That’s an overview of the battery size for Nissan Smart Keys and how to replace them. But, there is more that you need to know about this process. In the remainder of this post, we will discuss how to change the battery in more detail. Additionally, we’ll discuss how long the batteries should last, programming the Nissan key fob, and whether or not they qualify for a warranty.

The battery on the Nissan Smart Key

For many years now, Nissan has been using Smart Keys instead of standard ignition keys for their vehicles. The Nissan Intelligent Key System allows drivers to lock and unlock the car doors at a distance, open the trunk, and start the car with the push of a button.

As the automotive industry moves more and more towards technology like Smart Keys, there are always concerns that come along with the progress. For example, what are you supposed to do if the battery in the Nissan Smart Key dies? What kind of battery does the little key fob even take?

All modern Nissan cars, trucks, and vans use the same Smart Key fob and, therefore, the same battery. Inside each Nissan key fob, you will find a single CR2032 3-volt disc-shaped battery. You can find these batteries in most places where batteries are available for sale or in online marketplaces like Amazon.

While this battery size is the type you’ll find in most Nissan Smart Keys, there is a chance you could have a variation, especially if you are driving an older Nissan. So, always match the old battery you are removing from the key fob with the new one.

Changing the Battery on the Nissan Smart Key

Changing the batteries on small electronic devices like watches or hearing aids is often tricky and frustrating. Luckily, Nissan makes changing the battery on their Smart Key fobs pretty simple. The only tricky part is getting the key fob to open without damaging it. With that said, we will now give a more detailed description of the battery-changing process.

Step 1: Remove the Valet Key

Every Nissan Smart Key fob has a small standard (old-fashioned) key inside of it. This extra key is called a valet key and is used in a pinch if your key fob battery is dead. This is also the key that you can pull out of the fob and leave with the valet so you can hold onto your actual fob.

To change the battery on your Nissan key fob, you’ll need first to remove this valet key. You can remove the valet key by sliding the small button on the back of the fob and pulling the key out by the key ring.

Step 2: Open the Key Fob

Next is the most challenging part. actually opening the key fob so that you can access the battery. Nissan Smart Key fobs are split around the perimeter so that they can open up almost like a clamshell.

The best way to go about separating the fob is to use a flat head screwdriver or a thicker card to pry it open a little at a time, starting in the top right corner where there’s a small gap about the size of the head of your screwdriver.

Work your way around the edge of the fob in between the two halves until you hear a click. That click will mean that you have successfully opened the fob.

Step 3: Battery Replacement

Finally, you will see the battery sitting facedown in its compartment on one side of the key fob. Using the screwdriver or card, gently pry the old battery out of its place. Next, please verify that you have the correct size of the new battery (CR2032) and place it face down in the battery compartment.

Step 4. Resassemble the Fob

You have to put the fob back together for the last step, so it’s in working order. After verifying that the new battery is securely in its place, the two halves of the key fob should snap back together as long as they are aligned. After that, replace the valet key in its slot. Now you’re good to go.

Because opening the hard plastic key fob is such a delicate process, it might be helpful to see a video of someone opening one. So, here is a quick YouTube video that explains how to change the battery in a Nissan Smart Key:

How To Change The Battery In A Jeep Key Fob? Detailed Guide

One day you realize that your key fob is not working as flexibly as before, and you think the cause is the battery drain. Let’s follow us to reach a step by step guide.

When Does The Key Fob Battery Need Replacing?

Shortened Signal Range

Normally, the key fob’s operating range of receiving signals is 20m. If you see this distance decreasing over time, your key fob has a problem. One common reason is that your battery is depleted or dead and needs to be replaced.

However, the rain sometimes affects the car remote’s ability to receive signals. On rainy days, if you have to approach the car to turn on the key fob, and the distance is still well maintained for the rest of the day, it is not a big problem.

In addition, a damaged remote transmitter or receiver also prevents the car box from catching the signal from the key. Chip failure or broken circuit in the remote battery makes it completely useless.

Common signs are headlights don’t flash or don’t even turn on, and there is no signal sound when pressing the button.


You own a weak battery if you have to press the key fob button panel too many times to unlock it. After a long time being used, the key fob will gradually run out of battery or have an internal battery failure. The battery installation area also has problems, such as a short circuit.

Cracks next to the installation area will hinder the battery from being correctly installed and cause a non-working Jeep key fob. It can shorten the battery’s life and cause it to drain more quickly.

over, when you press the unlock button on the key fob too many times but the indicator light keeps blinking and then turns off, your battery is completely “exhausted”. It would be best if you asked someone else to bring you the backup key.

Delayed Unlocking

Receiving a slow signal is a common pointer of a key fob running out of battery. The key fob normally responds by turning on the car indicator light to inform you of the successful unlocking process.

However, if it responds slowly, about 5-10 seconds after you press it, the signal source it sends is too weak due to a drained battery.

This case is not always derived from a dead battery but can happen in case of faulty key fob programming. After replacing a coin battery, if your car remote does not respond as quickly as before, you should ask a car mechanic to reprogram the key.

How To Change The Battery In A Jeep Key Fob?

First, you need to insert a tiny flat screwdriver or a needle into the groove of the key fob. It will be best to do it near the keychain attachment so you can break the key fob into two pieces. You can easily see the electronic circuits inside.

Next, you can take out the old battery and replace it with a CR2032 battery.

The key fob pins are normally designed with the negative terminal at the bottom and the positive terminal at the top. You can look at the key fob to see its little symbol and identify the correct terminals.

Finally, you can stick two key fob pieces together. You have now accomplished replacing a new Jeep key battery.

Some drivers wonder how to change battery in Jeep compass key fob. The operation is the same as the battery replacement process above. You just need to follow those simple steps. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

What Battery Type is Require for Dodge Charger Key Fob?

The most recent Dodge charger is a powerful four-door sedan; however, you can find other Dodge models with different designs. Typically a Dodge charger uses a key fob with a CR2032 battery. It is recommended that you use a lithium battery like the Energizer 2032 3-Volt lithium battery.

Generally, the dodge key fob is found in three Dodge models. The Dodge Charger with Keyless Remote Smart Key Fob, dodge Journey with Smart Key Keyless Remote Proximity Fob, and dodge Ram 1500 2500 3500 Pickup Truck Remote Fob Prox.

With a new CR2032 key fob battery, flat head screwdriver, or Phillips head screwdriver, you can disassemble and replace the keyless entry remote.

Steps for the Dodge Charger key fob battery Replacement

Owners of Dodge, Ram Trucks, vehicles such as Dart, Durango, Grand Caravan, Ram C/V Tradesman, Journey, Challenger, 300, 200, Avenger, and Dodge Charger use similar key fobs. As a result, they may find these DIY instructions to be useful.

After you have your new CR2032 replacement battery, flat head screwdriver, and Phillips head screwdriver, you can follow the following steps to get your fob working again.

Get the Metal Key out of the Way

Before you begin, you will need to pull the silver switch on the back of the key fob to remove the internal key. In most cases, the release lever is near the base of the metal key. Place a small flathead screwdriver into the niche when finding the release lever.

Gently Push Open the Case

Using the flathead screwdriver, push and twist, and it will split the two halves of the device. When the two halves of the device are apart, you will see one that has the battery and another that has a circuit board.

Remove and Replace the Old Battery

The third step will be the key fob battery replacement. You will need to pop out the old batteries using the flathead screwdriver. Slide the screwdriver under the edge and level it up. Remember that you should work very gently and slowly to avoid damaging the battery or the battery case.

Then pull out the old battery using your fingernail from the battery case on the back cover of the key fob. Then, you will need to pop in the new battery in the case with the positive side down and the negative facing up.

Put the Case Back Together and Test

When your new battery is properly placed with the positive side facing down, it is time to get the two halves of the remote together. You will need to align the two sides and gently squeeze them together. They will click right away.

When they have clicked together, you will hold the metal key and slide it back to its position. Then, you can go to your Dodge Charger and press the buttons to see if the remote works when that is done.

If the remote does not function as per your expectations, you can call or visit a dealership shop for further help. They will advise you if you need a replacement or get another key fob.

When does the key fob battery need replacing?

You will need the key fob battery replaced, just like a car battery requires recharging or replacing. The best bit is that the key fob can last forever, but you will need to change the Charger key fob battery after 2 to 3 years in a Smart key and 4 to 6 years in a regular fob with the key.

At some point, your key fob batteries will appear to function perfectly. Some irregularities may occur when your battery needs to be replaced. some of the signs that will indicate that you need to replace batteries include:

Decreased Signal Range

Typically a Charger key fob battery will have a signal range of around 30 to 60 feet. However, if your battery needs replacement, the signal range will be minimized or affected completely.

Inconsistent Clicks

If you require to click the button on the key fob several times before the vehicle accepts the signal, it might be time to replace the batteries. In these cases, the batteries have difficulty mustering the power to operate. If you experience these issues and you have replaced the batteries, and there are no changes, then the key fob might be faulty

Unlocking Is Delayed

If you notice that you press the button once and there is delayed unlocking, it might be time for key fob battery replacement. In other instances, you will notice that the vehicle’s headlights fail to blink whenever you unlock the car.

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Deciphering the CR2032 Key Fob Battery for the 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee

The key fob of your 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee is a small but essential component that ensures the smooth operation of your vehicle. It is powered by a CR2032 battery, which is integral to the functioning of the keyless entry system. This article will delve into the specifics of this battery and why it is crucial to use the correct one.

  • The term ‘CR2032’ might seem like a complex code, but it simply refers to the battery’s chemical composition and dimensions. The ‘CR’ stands for lithium manganese dioxide, which is the type of battery. The numbers ‘2032’ indicate the battery’s size, with ’20’ referring to its diameter in millimeters and ‘3.2’ to its height, also in millimeters.
  • The CR2032 battery is renowned for its longevity and ability to function effectively in a wide range of temperatures. This makes it an ideal choice for key fobs, which require a small but steady supply of power over an extended period. The battery has a nominal voltage of 3.0 volts and a typical capacity of 235 mAh.

When it comes to replacing the battery in your 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee key fob, it is crucial to use a CR2032 battery. Using a different battery, even if it is another 3V type, can lead to potential issues. These can include a shorter lifespan and inconsistent contact, which can affect the performance of your key fob.

You can easily find CR2032 batteries at most electronics stores or online. Brands like Duracell or Energizer are often recommended due to their reliability. Always remember to check your key fob’s battery compartment for any specific battery recommendations from the manufacturer.

In conclusion, the CR2032 battery is a small but vital component of your 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee key fob. Using the correct battery ensures the optimal performance of your keyless entry system, allowing you to unlock and start your vehicle with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions About Key Fob Batteries for the 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee

As a 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee owner, you might have a few questions about your key fob battery. Here, we’ve compiled some of the most common inquiries and provided comprehensive answers to help you navigate any potential issues.

jeep, remote, battery, size, nissan
  • Question 1: How do I open the key fob of my 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee?To replace the battery, you’ll need to open the key fob. Begin by removing the internal key, then gently pry open the fob, ensuring you don’t damage any internal components.
  • Question 2: What type of battery does the 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee key fob use?The key fob for the 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee utilizes a CR2032 battery. This battery is readily available at most stores that sell batteries or can be conveniently ordered online.
jeep, remote, battery, size, nissan
  • Question 3: What should I do if my key fob isn’t working?If your key fob isn’t functioning as expected, it could be due to a depleted battery. Try replacing the battery first. If the problem persists, you may need to reprogram the fob or seek assistance from a professional.
  • Question 4: How do I reprogram my key fob?Reprogramming a key fob can be a bit tricky, and the process may vary depending on the model year. We recommend referring to your owner’s manual or contacting a Jeep dealership for specific instructions.
  • Question 5: Can I start my 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee if the key fob battery is dead?Absolutely! Even if the key fob battery is dead, you can still start your 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee. There’s a manual key hidden within the fob that you can use to unlock the door and start the vehicle.

We hope these answers address some of your questions! If you have any more, feel free to ask.

Responsible Disposal of Used Key Fob Batteries

When it comes to maintaining your 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee, even the smallest components matter, including the key fob battery. However, once the battery has served its purpose, it’s crucial to dispose of it responsibly.

The key fob for your 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee utilizes a CR2032 battery. While small in size, these batteries contain materials that can be harmful to the environment if not disposed of correctly. Simply throwing them in the trash is not an option.

Instead, these batteries should be taken to a dedicated recycling facility or a hazardous waste collection site. These places are equipped with the necessary tools and procedures to safely handle and dispose of these batteries. If you’re uncertain about the location of the nearest facility, you can use resources like the Earth911 Battery Recycling Locator to find one.

By ensuring the proper disposal of your old key fob batteries, you’re not only taking care of your Jeep Grand Cherokee but also contributing positively to the environment. Every small effort counts when it comes to protecting our landfills and waterways from potentially harmful materials.

Chris began SterlingTEK (STK) out of his apartment in 1999 selling adapters for digital cameras. Since then SterlingTEK has sold millions of dollars of batteries, chargers, adapters, and more devices worldwide.

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