Can GoPro Record While Charging? Smart Hacks to Extend Your Camera’s Runtime. Power bank action

USB power bank (Lithium battery) fire

A crew member on a vessel was inside his cabin bedroom when he heard a popping sound in his dayroom. Upon investigating he noticed the USB battery bank (containing Lithium-polymer batteries) charging on the desk was on fire. He immediately smothered the power bank with nearby clothing to knock down the flames and at the same time disconnected the power bank from the mains. He then sprayed the clothing with water to remove heat and placed the whole lot in metal for removal from the room.

Damage was contained to the desk, adjacent bulkhead and deck where the battery bank rested after being extinguished. There were no injuries.

What went right?

  • The prompt action of the crew member (who was in the cabin at the time) meant that power was isolated from the USB power bank and the fire was quickly extinguished;
  • The individual was very familiar with the company policy on personal electrical appliances.
  • The power bank was not supplied with an adaptor when purchased, leaving the buyer to match the adaptor plug with the unit for wall charging. In this case the adaptors did match the input and output requirements and the USB cord;
  • The USB power bank was plugged into a 220V wall outlet for charging. A 240V-100V adapter (European to North American plug) was plugged into the wall outlet then a standard, North American style, USB charge adapter plugged into the 240V-100V adapter. A type ‘C’ charge cord was used from the North American style USB charge adapter to the power bank;
  • The crew member had noted at 19:10 that the power bank was 97% charged and planned to wait for a full charge. At approximately 19:50, the crew member heard the popping sound and saw a flash of light and flames coming from the power bank;
  • From the location of the burn pattern away from the outlet, the failure looked to be within the USB power bank itself and not in the receptacle or adaptor;
  • There were no reported electrical or power interruptions in the ship supply or in the receptacle in which the unit was charging. Trends were normal and didn’t show any interruptions. Power at the receptacle was reported by the chief engineer to be 237 V.

Our member notes that “whilst these devices are becoming more and more popular and are necessary for crew members who have long travel times to and from the vessel, there is no particular reason for their general or daily use onboard. There is more than enough power and electrical supply onboard for charging personal devices”.

  • Our member proposed to control how and when these devices are charged up (as distinct from a possibly unpopular blanket ban on them). Such battery/power banks should:
  • NEVER be left unattended when on charge;
  • Be unplugged as soon as they are fully charged.

In this incident the potential was severe; however the individual was in his cabin at the time and early action was taken.

Members may wish to refer to:

Safety Event

Published: 8 April 2022 Download: IMCA SF 09/22

IMCA Safety Flashes

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Can GoPro Record While Charging? Smart Hacks to Extend Your Camera’s Runtime

This is a complete guide on how to use your tiny device while charging.

Battery life has always been an issue with most GoPro products. Now, that’s not too much of a problem anymore because you can already record videos while charging it. You may charge with or without a battery, plugged to an outlet, or with a power bank.

In this post, we will talk about:

  • various ways on how to use a GoPro while charging
  • how to increase your camera’s runtime
  • pros and cons of using external power supply

If you are ready to take longer videos with your action camera, then this post is definitely for you. Let’s get rolling!

Can You Use a GoPro While Charging?

While this brand boasts a lot about high-end features, there is one thing about the products that will make you do a double-take (considering the price-quality ratio) – the battery life.

Even with the latest Hero models, the gear’s operating time can last an average of 2 hours under normal use. If you record with the highest resolution, then you can expect the power to drain faster.

(Sometimes your GoPro can overheat and needs cooling. so keep that in mind).

The good news is that you can now use these devices while charging. Although not applicable for older models, Hero 6 and above will allow you to do this. That simply means more runtime and videos!

How to know if GoPro is recording?

This one’s tricky. When charging, most folks see the display and assume it wouldn’t charge while recording; when in fact it DOES charge while recording EVEN if it doesn’t show.

How To Use GoPro While Charging

A standard battery pack is a basic way to power up an action camera, and it can sometimes be frustrating how they drain like water. But what if I tell you that you can actually do something that can help prolong that dreadful runtime? Well, say no more!

Here are some awesome ways on how you can use a GoPro without worrying too much about its operating time on a battery:

Power cable outlet battery

If you are indoors and would want to record super long videos like time lapse. then this would be your best bet. Well, that’s considering your power source is stable, which I believe in most areas are.

Here, you basically just use the gear while it is plugged into a wall charger. Even if your battery is almost drained, you can turn it on and continue recording like normal.

What happens here is that the action cam will use the direct power source to capture the videos, but the battery in itself is probably not “charging”. Or if it is, it’s rather very slow that you don’t get a full charge after two hours’ worth of plugging in and recording at the same time.

So, charging a GoPro during time lapse is never gonna be a problem. Your cable should be long enough for the gear to still have the best view of the scene to be recorded. Or you can use an extension wire if necessary.

Power cable power bank battery

Many of you are probably wondering if it works with an outlet, would it also work using the standard power banks for mobile phones? Well, surprisingly, it does!

A 10,000mAh pack can power up a GoPro just fine, even with a drained battery. But, you should expect it to shut down once the power bank itself loses power. So might as well prepare a backup if you are planning to do more than 4 hours’ worth of recording.

Cable outlet only

Now, the first two options were understandable because the camera’s battery is still in place. But what if it isn’t? Would it still work?

The good news is, it will! This is definitely true for newer GoPro models like the Hero 7 up to 10 (usually the Black product lines). It will display some sort of a charging plug on the screen while you record with the gear.

Cable power bank only

For this one, I understand many of you will be skeptical. Can GoPro charge really charge with a power bank? Hey, as long as the bank’s got charge, why not? It is still possible since the gear doesn’t require that much power as laptops do.

Other guides you might enjoy reading:

Why Use External Power for GoPro?

True, there are several benefits of using your action camera with an external power source, but that doesn’t come without drawbacks. Read on to find out whether you’d better invest in a spare battery pack or continue using your gear while charging.

The Good Stuff:

  • It successfully extends the runtime of your device
  • No more worrying about cut videos due to battery drain
  • The action camera becomes lighter and easier to hold for longer periods
  • When using a power bank, it becomes more portable plus you get more recording time
  • Great for long time lapse video ( some manage to do a 12-hour footage)

The Setbacks:

  • No more waterproofing capabilities (wall chargers portable batteries are not waterproof)
  • Without the battery in the device, it can shut down if the external power goes off
  • Your gear won’t really “charge” while recording, but you can use it nonetheless

By the way, below are the most popular models with the best battery life so far:

Powerbank Action: welke zijn er en moet ik ‘m kopen?

Powerbanks zijn er veel verschillende soorten en maten, maar ook de kwaliteit is flink verschillend. Wij zoomen in dit artikel verder in op de Powerbank van Action: is deze het kopen waard? Waar moet je nog meer op letten? En zijn er ook alternatieven voor deze Action powerbank?

Is het een goed idee een Action powerbank te kopen? Ja, Action powerbanks zijn over het algemeen degelijke powerbanks die je smartphone meerdere keren kunnen opladen. Er zijn echter ook een aantal goede alternatieve accupacks die ook een oplossing voor mobiel laden kunnen bieden.

gopro, record, charging, smart

Action powerbank: beste alternatieven

Lucky One Solar Powerbank

Gewaardeerde Solar Powerbank die op te laden is via de zon. Verkrijgbaar met meerdere capaciteiten. Opladen met zonne-energie Draadloos opladen 20.000 en 33.5000 mAh

Mojogear powerbank

Goed beoordeelde powerbank met capaciteit van 20.000 mAh. Onze aanrader voor een grote powerbank

20.000 mAh (5x smartphone opladen) Klein formaat Snel opladen

Anker powerbank

Hoge kwaliteit powerbank, erg handzaam en dus fijn om mee te nemen 5.000 mAh (1,5 x smartphone opladen) Handzaam – eenvoudig mee te nemen Goedkoop

Samsung powerbank

Veel verkochte powerbank van Samsung. 10.000 mAh (3x opladen) Goed beoordeeld Al jaren één van meest gebruikte powerbanks

Powerbanks in het algemeen

Powerbanks worden steeds door meer mensen gebruikt: het is handig om onderweg even bij te laden vooral als er geen stopcontact bij de hand is. Waar deze vroeger vaak meegenomen werden op reis, zijn ze tegenwoordig steeds vaker terug te vinden in het dagelijks leven.

Er zijn grote verschillen in kwaliteit van powerbanks en het hangt natuurlijk van jouw wensen af welke geschikt is. Er zijn echter wel veel dingen waar je goed op moet letten voordat je een powerbank koopt, ook al lijkt het een vrij kleine aankoop.

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Capaciteit, mAh enz…?

Eén van de essentiële onderdelen van powerbanks in het algemeen is de capaciteit. Terwijl je met een kleine variant met moeite je smartphone één keer kunt opladen, kunnen de grote jongens dat meerdere malen, terwijl ze ook je tablet nog een keer van stroom voorzien.

Als vuistregel kun je stellen: neem ~4000 mAh voor je telefoon één keer volledig op te laden. Wil je een grotere powerbank, kies dan een veelvoud van deze mAh.

Het klopt niet altijd

Maar dat cijfertje zegt niet altijd iets. Vooral in de wat goedkopere powerbanks zien we vaak dat de geclaimde mAh’s niet gehaald worden. Het kan dan goed zo zijn dat er met 5.000 mAh geadverteerd wordt, maar er maar 4000 mAh daadwerkelijk aanwezig is.

Dit kun je helaas aan de buitenkant niet zien en zul je dat pas ervaren als je smartphone minder vaak opgeladen kan worden. Daarom is het wel goed om te op te letten welke je koopt en in ieder geval dit in het achterhoofd houden.

Daarnaast is ook de output van belang. Vaak zien we bij de goedkopere modellen dat er een lagere output is van bijvoorbeeld 1 of 1,5 Ampère (A). Dit heeft invloed op de snelheid waarmee een toestel opgeladen worden.

Staar je niet blind op de prijs van powerbanks: er zijn grote onderlinge verschillen in bijvoorbeeld snelheid van laden, de capaciteit, maar ook de levensduur van een powerbank.

Tegenwoordig moet je toch wel minimaal voor 2A gaan wil je een beetje snelheid hebben om e.e.a. op te laden. Er zijn tegenwoordig zelfs powerbanks op de markt die QuickCharge ondersteunen waardoor opladen even snel gaat dan met de stekker.

Ontploffende powerbanks?

Maar, powerbanks kunnen ook ontploffen… Althans, dat overkwam de een gebruiker van een Action Powerbank in 2014. Radar kwam toen met het nieuws dat er deze konden ontploffen, waarop de Action ze uit de schappen heeft gehaald. Hiermee wordt dus ook bewezen dat het gevaarlijk kan zijn om een niet goed geteste powerbank te gebruiken met alle gevolgen van dien. Er zijn overigens nog meer powerbanks die hier gevoelig voor zijn en werden ook teruggeroepen.

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Zijn de powerbanks van Action dan wel goed?

Het is natuurlijk de vraag: zijn powerbanks van de Action dan wel goed als we naar de prijs kijken? De externe accu’s die verkocht worden door de budgetwinkel-keten moeten in ieder geval gekeurd zijn voor de Nederlandse markt, maar dat wil nog niet direct zeggen dat ze topkwaliteit hebben.

Overweeg je een Action-powerbank aan te schaffen, hou er dan rekening mee dat goedkoop duurkoop kan zijn. Dit onder andere door het voorgaande argument over de daadwerkelijke capaciteit van een accupack. Het kan zomaar zijn dat je je toestel minder vaak kunt opladen dan dat de verpakking doet vermoeden.

Ook is de output vaak wat beperkt bij de modellen die bij de Action liggen. Heb je hier geen bezwaar tegen, dan kun je uiteraard gewoon een accupack kopen, maar wil je iets meer kwaliteit, dan zijn er genoeg betaalbare alternatieven met betere kwaliteit.

Powerbank Action: welke zijn er allemaal?

De action heeft een aantal powerbanks in het assortiment. Uiteraard wisselt dit soms, net als alle andere producten die ze in de winkel hebben liggen. Op dit moment is het nog niet mogelijk om deze online te bestellen.

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Re-load powerbank (5.000 mAh)

De goedkoopste versie die te vinden is bij de Action. Het betreft hier 5.000 mAh met snelladerm, waardoor hij het net redt om een smartphone één keer op te laden. Handig is de dubbele oplaadmogelijkheid, dankzij 2 USB-poorten!

Re-load powerbank(10.000 mAh)

De grotere variant van de goedkopere Re-load powerbank modellen. Deze Re-load heeft 10.000 mAh en is daardoor in afmetingen wat groter. Dat houdt ook in, dat je een smartphone ongeveer twee keer kan opladen. Een laptop is nog net aan de krappe kant. Evenals de kleine variant, zijn er 2 USB-poorten, waardoor tegelijk opladen van meerdere apparaten mogelijk is.

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Grixx powerbank (15.000 mAh)

De grootste variant die we gevonden hebben: de Grixx powerbank met 15.000 mAh. Het maakt deze Action Powerbank geschikt voor het meerdere keren opladen van smartphones, maar ook tablet of laptop kun je hiermee laden. Hij kan nog steeds meegenomen worden in het vliegtuig.

Froyak zonnepaneel – Solar powerbank Action

Misschien formeel geen powerbank, maar het noemen waard is deze solar powerbank van de Action: het Froyak zonnepaneel. Handig voor tijdens het kamperen, maar je moet met 10 watt niet teveel verwachten van de snelheid.

Re-load powerbank (2.200 mA)

De kleinste en goedkoopste powerbank van Action is de Re-load met 2.200 mAh. Veel capaciteit heb je hier niet mee, maar de prijs er ook naar.

Alternatief: Lucky One Solar Powerbank

Ben je op zoek naar een goede, alternatieve solar powerbank, dan is de Lucky One Solar een goede optie om eens beter te bekijken.

Deze powerbank heeft veel handige functies. Los van het feit dat deze via zonne-energie opgeladen kan worden, is het ook een optie om je smartphone draadloos op te laden.

Dit in combinatie met een flinke capaciteit, veel aansluitingen en een geïntegreerde zaklamp maken dit tot een bijzonder compleet product.

  • Solar powerbank
  • Smartphone draadloos opladen
  • Ingebouwde zaklamp
  • 20.000 of 33.500 mAh

Alternatieven Action-powerbanks

Wij zijn niet direct overtuigd van de powerbanks van de Action, dus het is wellicht goed om verder te kijken. We hebben al een lijstje met goedkope powerbanks gemaakt, maar hebben ook nog een aantal suggesties voor je op een rij gezet.

Persoonlijk ben ik erg gecharmeerd van het merk Anker (niet alleen voor powerbanks trouwens). Deze ex-Google-medewerkers hebben een eigen accessoire-lijn opgericht, die vooral focust op kwaliteit en dit ook bewezen heeft in de afgelopen jaren. Ook Xtorm is een bekend Nederlands merk die een goede trackrecord heeft in powerbanks.

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PowerBanks How It Works

Powerbanks are becoming popular these days as our gadgets or devices were all getting smarter versatile tools in our daily lives specially for various types of communications such as calls,SMS,emails and other task,and these Smart devices (smartphones tablets) needs more power for them to work and last for a day as they should be. Normally the devices that needs a back up power are the smartphones tablets these days.And most of us individually owns one.But not all people knew how powerbank works literally.And some sellers just don’t explain on how their Powerbank works.And many people just end up buying the wrong specifications of powerbank that suits the need of their devices (such as smartphones tablets).That’s the reason I made this and compiled some facts gathered from different manufacturers and blogs site ,and made it into one instructables that may help some DIY’ers who planned to build their own powerbank or just buy the right one.

gopro, record, charging, smart

Step 1: How It Works? What Type of Powerbank to Choose?

Power Banks are all the rage, they came in various shapes and sizes.,but what are they for? We explore their potential, and how to choose the right one. What is a Power Bank and what can they charge? Portable Power Banks are comprised of a special battery in a special case with a special circuit to control power flow. They allow you to store electrical energy (deposit it in the bank) and then later use it to charge up a mobile device (withdraw it from the bank). Power Banks have become increasingly popular as the battery life of our beloved phones, tablets and portable media players is outstripped by the amount of time we spend using them each day. By keeping a battery backup close by, you can top-up your device(s) while far from a wall outlet. The Power Banks we’re talking about are good for almost any USB-charged devices. Cameras, GoPros, Portable speakers, GPS systems, MP3 players, smartphones and even some tablets can be charged from a Power Bank. practically anything that charges from USB at home can be charged from a Power Bank. you just have to remember to keep your Power Bank charged, too! Power Banks may also be known as Power Stations or Battery Banks, too. What types of Power Banks are there?Three major types of Power Bank found on the market today: 1. Universal Power Bank. They come in many sizes and configurations which can be tailored to your device requirements and to your budget. 2. Solar-Charged Power Bank. They have photovoltaic panels which can trickle-charge the internal battery when placed in sunlight. Solar charging isn’t fast, so they can usually charge via cable as well. 3. The third type of Power Bank is the older-style battery phone case. While they can be handy, this type of Power Bank has very narrow device compatibility, How do I charge a Power Bank? Most commonly, a Power Bank will have a dedicated input socket for receiving power. This power can come from a USB socket on your computer, but may charge faster when using a wall socket adapter. We most often see Power Banks use a Mini or Micro-USB socket for charging, and full-sized USB sockets for discharging. On very rare occasions, Power Banks can use the same socket for input and output, but this is rare and should not be assumed of any Power Bank, as trying to force power into an output can damage the battery. Always check the manual for specific instructions if you’re not able to find a clearly marked input socket. Depending on the capacity of the Power Bank and its current charge level, it can take quite a while to fill up. For example, a 1500mAh rated Power Bank should take about the same time as your typical smartphone to charge. For larger banks, this time can be doubled, tripled or quadrupled. Most Power Banks have both an LED indicator to show when they are at capacity, and a safety cut-off to prevent overcharging and overheating. Whenever possible, remove the Power Bank from charge when it is full, or at least avoid leaving it connected long-term after its full. Ambient temperature and power flow will also affect charge times, so it’s best to keep it topped off regularly. Some Power Banks don’t work well with high-capacity chargers (like the ones that come with iPads). Trying to fast-charge a Power Bank from a 2A charger can result in damage to the internal circuitry. How long does a Power Bank last? This is a bit of a loaded question. There are two important life expectancies to consider: 1. The number of charge/discharge cycles a Power Bank can reliably perform in its lifetime. 2. How long a Power Bank can retain its charge when not in use. The answer to point one can differ between models of Power Bank, their internal components and the quality of their manufacturing. We try not to stock Power Banks which have fewer than 500 charge cycles in them. This would allow you to charge a device from the Power Bank every day for a 1.5 years before it started to lose its ability to hold charge long-term. Better and more expensive Power Banks can last longer, while smaller and cheaper units may fall short depending on their treatment. Power Banks are generally not used daily, so they often last much longer than 18 months in real-world usage patterns. Point two depends on the quality of the controller circuitry and battery cells. A good Power Bank can hold charge for 3 to 6 months with minimal loss. Lower quality Power Banks may struggle to retain a useful charge more than 4 to 6 weeks. In this regard, you get what you pay for, and if you need a long-term emergency power supply consider increasing your budget to ensure you’re not going to be caught short. Most Power Banks will slowly lose charge over time, to a degree influenced by the environment and their treatment. For example, leaving a Power Bank in the car where the temperature can fluctuate greatly over time can shorten its lifespan. Technical Term Glossary What does mAh mean? Batteries common to mobile devices and Power Banks are rated on their ampere-hours, measured in milliamps to create non-decimal numbers. The mAh ratings denote capacity for power flow over time. Li-Ion Li-Polymer Lithium-Ion and Lithium-Polymer batteries are the most common rechargeable cell types found in Power Banks. Lithium-Ion cells are generally cheaper and limited in mAh capacity, while Lithium-Polymer cells can be larger and don’t suffer from a memory effect over time. Efficiency When power is transferred, there is always loss due to resistance. Power Banks are not able to transfer 100% of their actual capacity to a device, so we factor in this loss when calculating how many times an average device can be charged from a fully powered Power Bank of any given size. Efficiency ratings differ between Power Banks based on their cell type, component quality and environment. Ratings between 80% and 90% are the current industry standard. Beware of suspiciously low-cost options claiming efficiency ratings of over 90%. Device Depletion This is the state of the battery in the device you wish to charge. The lower its power, the more a Power Bank has to work to bring it back to life. We consider charging from 20% to 90% a full charge, as the efficiency loss increases beyond these points, leading to wasted charging potential. Going from 5% to 100% can take exponentially more power.

Step 2: Choosing the Right Powerbanks:

1.How do I know which powerbank suits my device? Depending on individual needs and requirements, there are several general criteria to consider when selecting a powerbank: a) Capacity For example if your phone battery is 1500mAh and is 0% now, a powerbank with 2200mAh can charge your phone 1 time. If your phone battery is 3000mAh and is 0% now, a powerbank with 2200mAh will not be able to charge your phone to full because the phone battery capacity is higher than the powerbank. If you require a powerbank that is able to charge your phone several times, you need a powerbank with higher capacity. b) Number of output 1 output to charge 1 device, 2 outputs to charge 2 devices. c) Output specification 1A-1.5A output is generally for smartphones, 1.5A-2.0A output is generally for tablets. 2. How long do I need to charge the powerbank for the first time and subsequent time?/ How many times can a powerbank charge my phone? a) Powerbank is already pre-charged and ready to use. b) Re-charging time depends on the capacity of the powerbank, remaining power in the powerbank and the power supply. Example:.Powerbank: 13000mAh (0% remaining).Power Supply/ Input: 1000mA plug.Calculation: 13000mAh/ 800mA = minimum 16.25 hours (Why 800mA? An estimate of 20% power is consumed during the charging/ discharging process) c) Similar formula applies to calculate number of times a powerbank can charge a phone. Example:.Powerbank: 10000mAh (full at 90%).Phone Battery: 1500mAh.Calculation: (10000mAh x 90% x 80%) / 1500mAh = up to 5 times (Why 90%? Assuming the power bank is well maintained in good working condition and can conserve up to 90% power) (Why 80%? An estimate of 20% power is consumed during the charging/ discharging process) Note that the calculation is based on normal condition whereby the powerbank or device (phone/ tablet) is not in use during charging process. A running device generally consumes power therefore if your device is actively in use during the charging process, the charging performance may not meet the expectation. The above calculations are examples made simple for easy reference. Accuracy may vary.

Images in order1.commercial PB (upgraded from 1200 to 2800 mah)2.commercial PB Kit(modified by adding switch and upgraded 2400 to 4000mah)3.commercial PB under my testing.

Step 3: Homebrewed Powerbanks

Image1-using 8 AA Nimh 2800 mah batteries Image2-using 318650 2200mah Li-ion batteries

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Step 4: Difference Between Li-ion and Li-Po

Lithium-ion batteries use a variety of cathodes and electrolytes. Common combinations use an anode of lithium (Li) ions dissolved in carbon or graphite and a cathode of lithium cobalt-oxide (LiCoO2) or lithium manganese-oxide (LiMn2O4) in an liquid electrolyte of lithium salt. Because they use a liquid electrolyte, lithium-ion batteries are limited in shape to either prismatic (rectangular) or cylindrical. The cylindrical form has a similar construction to other cylindrical rechargeable batteries,Prismatic batteries have the anode and cathode inserted into the rectangular enclosure. The image link at illustrates this construction method. Lithium-Ion-Polymer batteries are the next stage in development and replace the liquid electrolyte with a plastic (or polymer) electrolyte. This allows the batteries to be made in a variety of shapes and sizes. The significant advantages of lithium-ion batteries are size, weight and energy density (the amount of power the battery can provide). Lithium-ion batteries are smaller, lighter and provide more energy than either nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal-hydride batteries. Additionally, lithium-ion batteries operate in a wider temperature range and can be recharged before they are fully discharged without creating a memory problem. As with most new technology, the disadvantage is pricing. Currently, lithium-ion and lithium-ion-polymer batteries are more expensive to manufacture than standard rechargeable batteries. Part of this expense is due to the volatile nature of lithium. Lithium-ion batteries are most commonly used in applications where one or more of the advantages (size, weight or energy) outweigh the additional cost, such as mobile telephones and mobile computing devices. Lithium-ion-polymer batteries are used when the battery needs to be a particular shape. Lithium-Ion Battery Characteristics Type Secondary Chemical Reaction Varies, depending on electrolyte. Operating Temperature 4∫ F to 140∫ F (.20∫ C to 60∫ C) Recommended for Cellular telephones, mobile computing devices. Initial Voltage 3.6 7.2 Capacity Varies (generally up to twice the capacity of a Ni-Cd cellular battery) Discharge Rate Flat Recharge Life 300. 400 cycles Charging Temperature 32∫ F to 140∫ F (0∫ C to 60∫ C) Storage Life Loses less than 0.1% per month. Storage Temperature.4∫ F to 140∫ F (.20∫ C to 60∫ C) ï The chemical construction of this battery limits it to a rectangular shape. ï Lighter than nickel-based secondary batteries with (Ni-Cd and NiMH). Lithium-Ion-Polymer Battery Characteristics Type Secondary Chemical Reaction Varies, depending on electrolyte. Operating Temperature Improved performance at low and high temperatures. Recommended for Cellular telephones, mobile computing devices. Initial Voltage 3.6 7.2 Capacity Varies depending on the battery; superior to standard lithium-ion. Discharge Rate Flat Recharge Life 300. 400 cycles Charging Temperature 32∫ F to 140∫ F (0∫ C to 60∫ C) Storage Life Loses less than 0.1% per month. Storage Temperature.4∫ F to 140∫ F (.20∫ C to 60∫ C) ï Lighter than nickel-based secondary batteries with (Ni-Cd and NiMH). ï Can be made in a variety of shapes.

Step 5: Facts About Lithium Ion:

Is Lithium-ion the Ideal Battery?For many years, nickel-cadmium had been the only suitable battery for portable equipment from wireless communications to mobile computing. Nickel-metal-hydride and lithium-ion emerged In the early 1990s, fighting nose-to-nose to gain customer’s acceptance. Today, lithium-ion is the fastest growing and most promising battery chemistry. The lithium-ion battery Pioneer work with the lithium battery began in 1912 under G.N. Lewis but it was not until the early 1970s when the first non-rechargeable lithium batteries became commercially available. lithium is the lightest of all metals, has the greatest electrochemical potential and provides the largest energy density for weight. Attempts to develop rechargeable lithium batteries failed due to safety problems. Because of the inherent instability of lithium metal, especially during charging, research shifted to a non-metallic lithium battery using lithium ions. Although slightly lower in energy density than lithium metal, lithium-ion is safe, provided certain precautions are met when charging and discharging. In 1991, the Sony Corporation commercialized the first lithium-ion battery. Other manufacturers followed suit. The energy density of lithium-ion is typically twice that of the standard nickel-cadmium. There is potential for higher energy densities. The load characteristics are reasonably good and behave similarly to nickel-cadmium in terms of discharge. The high cell voltage of 3.6 volts allows battery pack designs with only one cell. Most of today’s mobile phones run on a single cell. A nickel-based pack would require three 1.2-volt cells connected in series. Lithium-ion is a low maintenance battery, an advantage that most other chemistries cannot claim. There is no memory and no scheduled cycling is required to prolong the battery’s life. In addition, the self-discharge is less than half compared to nickel-cadmium, making lithium-ion well suited for modern fuel gauge applications. lithium-ion cells cause little harm when disposed. Despite its overall advantages, lithium-ion has its drawbacks. It is fragile and requires a protection circuit to maintain safe operation. Built into each pack, the protection circuit limits the peak voltage of each cell during charge and prevents the cell voltage from dropping too low on discharge. In addition, the cell temperature is monitored to prevent temperature extremes. The maximum charge and discharge current on most packs are is limited to between 1C and 2C. With these precautions in place, the possibility of metallic lithium plating occurring due to overcharge is virtually eliminated. Aging is a concern with most lithium-ion batteries and many manufacturers remain silent about this issue. Some capacity deterioration is noticeable after one year, whether the battery is in use or not. The battery frequently fails after two or three years. It should be noted that other chemistries also have age-related degenerative effects. This is especially true for nickel-metal-hydride if exposed to high ambient temperatures. At the same time, lithium-ion packs are known to have served for five years in some applications. Manufacturers are constantly improving lithium-ion. New and enhanced chemical combinations are introduced every six months or so. With such Rapid progress, it is difficult to assess how well the revised battery will age. Storage in a cool place slows the aging process of lithium-ion (and other chemistries). Manufacturers recommend storage temperatures of 15∞C (59∞F). In addition, the battery should be partially charged during storage. The manufacturer recommends a 40% charge. The most economical lithium-ion battery in terms of cost-to-energy ratio is the cylindrical 18650 (size is 18mm x 65.2mm). This cell is used for mobile computing and other applications that do not demand ultra-thin geometry. If a slim pack is required, the prismatic lithium-ion cell is the best choice. These cells come at a higher cost in terms of stored energy. Advantages ï High energy density. potential for yet higher capacities. ï Does not need prolonged priming when new. One regular charge is all that’s needed. ï Relatively low self-discharge. self-discharge is less than half that of nickel-based batteries. ï Low Maintenance. no periodic discharge is needed; there is no memory. ï Specialty cells can provide very high current to applications such as power tools. Limitations ï Requires protection circuit to maintain voltage and current within safe limits. ï Subject to aging, even if not in use. storage in a cool place at 40% charge reduces the aging effect. ï Transportation restrictions. shipment of larger quantities may be subject to regulatory control. This restriction does not apply to personal carry-on batteries. ï Expensive to manufacture. about 40 percent higher in cost than nickel-cadmium. ï Not fully mature. metals and chemicals are changing on a continuing basis. The lithium polymer battery The lithium-polymer differentiates itself from conventional battery systems in the type of electrolyte used. The original design, dating back to the 1970s, uses a dry solid polymer electrolyte. This electrolyte resembles a plastic-like film that does not conduct electricity but allows ions exchange (electrically charged atoms or groups of atoms). The polymer electrolyte replaces the traditional porous separator, which is soaked with electrolyte. The dry polymer design offers simplifications with respect to fabrication, ruggedness, safety and thin-profile geometry. With a cell thickness measuring as little as one millimeter (0.039 inches), equipment designers are left to their own imagination in terms of form, shape and size. Unfortunately, the dry lithium-polymer suffers from poor conductivity. The internal resistance is too high and cannot deliver the current bursts needed to power modern communication devices and spin up the hard drives of mobile computing equipment. Heating the cell to 60∞C (140∞F) and higher increases the conductivity, a requirement that is unsuitable for portable applications. To compromise, some gelled electrolyte has been added. The commercial cells use a separator/ electrolyte membrane prepared from the same traditional porous polyethylene or polypropylene separator filled with a polymer, which gels upon filling with the liquid electrolyte. Thus the commercial lithium-ion polymer cells are very similar in chemistry and materials to their liquid electrolyte counter parts. Lithium-ion-polymer has not caught on as quickly as some analysts had expected. Its superiority to other systems and low manufacturing costs has not been realized. No improvements in capacity gains are achieved. in fact, the capacity is slightly less than that of the standard lithium-ion battery. Lithium-ion-polymer finds its market niche in wafer-thin geometries, such as batteries for credit cards and other such applications. Advantages ï Very low profile. batteries resembling the profile of a credit card are feasible. ï Flexible form factor. manufacturers are not bound by standard cell formats. With high volume, any reasonable size can be produced economically. ï Lightweight. gelled electrolytes enable simplified packaging by eliminating the metal shell. ï Improved safety. more resistant to overcharge; less chance for electrolyte leakage. Limitations ï Lower energy density and decreased cycle count compared to lithium-ion. ï Expensive to manufacture. ï No standard sizes. Most cells are produced for high volume consumer markets. ï Higher cost-to-energy ratio than lithium-ion

Step 6: Powerbank Accesories

image 1. bundled with commercial Powerbanks.image 2- additional(option only) accesory to extend compatibility to any devices.

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